Literacy Resources

4 Year Old Early Literacy Activity Book Revision Completed

4 Year Old Early Literacy Activity Book Revision Completed

The Babies, Books and Bonding team has been working on a complete revision of the early literacy activity booklet provided to children aged 4 at their routine child health clinic appointment. The revision has been underway for 6 months and we are now excited to announce it is complete and available for download in pdf booklet format. Inside the booklet you can find all sorts of activities for caregivers to engage with their child and to help improve early literacy development. From recipes and colouring to card games, scavenger hunts and more - all of the original activities have been updated along with additional activities added. We recognize that every child learns at a different pace, so there are activities for all skill levels. This resource can also be downloaded and used by caregivers as well as other early literacy professionals as a tool for teaching young children early literacy skills.